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Grey Contacts

Unveil a sophisticated and mysterious look with our extensive collection of grey contacts! These grey contact lenses offer the perfect blend of elegance and allure, allowing you to express a cool and unique personality. From silver shades to smoky slate, our grey contacts can transform dark eyes to a lighter hue or enhance your baby blues or brilliant brown to something truly mesmerizing. EyeCandy's offers more than 50 shades of grey, with various levels of transparency and enlargement, all designed with your eyes in mind!

178 Results

Close-up shot of model's eye adorned with Ann365 Photogenic 1-Day Taupe Grey (10pk) daily color contact lenses with prescription, paired with clean-girl eye makeup, showing the brightening and enlarging effect of the circle contact lens on dark brown eyes, above a cutout of the contact lens with limbal ring on a white background.
A close-up of a model demonstrating a natural makeup look with Ann365 Photogenic 1-Day Taupe Grey (10pk) circle colour contacts, highlighting how well the contact lenses blend with her dark eyes.
💧For Dry Eyes 💧Moist
👁 For Dark Eyes 👁 Opaque
0.00 ~ -8.00 | Daily

Photogenic 1-Day Taupe Grey (10pk)


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Quick Contact Lens Tips

Looking for realistic enhancements or a wide-eyed, innocent appearance? Our grey contacts lenses come in standard diameters for natural-looking enhancements or larger sizes for those lovely #dolleyes. You can select relatively transparent designs for a light greyish tint, perfect for office or school, or higher opacity designs to completely transform your eye color.

Whether you require vision correction or not, our collection includes grey contacts lenses you'll adore! From plano (non-prescription) lenses to prescription strengths up to -8.00, and with lenses sold in pairs of the same strength, we have all your needs covered. Don't forget, you can order different strengths for each eye and have an extra set ready for replacement.

Being among the best-selling colored lenses, grey contacts are designed to create a smoky, mysterious look. With grey being a rare natural eye color, who hasn't dreamt of having those stormy eyes at least once? Celebrities like Milla Jovavich, Megan Fox, and David Bowie have all showcased their grey eyes, and you too can join this exclusive group with just a few minutes' preparation and our beautiful grey contact lens collection.

Research shows that only 3% of the population has grey eyes, a color that often casts a mystical look, sometimes even attributed to supernatural abilities. While this may not be scientifically proven, it's a fun idea, especially if you choose to wear grey contacts!

Pair your grey contact lenses with a dark smoky eye and a bold red lip to create an eye-catching ensemble. Grey colored contacts are not only a safe and healthy way to change your eye color but also an affordable alternative to more expensive cosmetic solutions. With EyeCandy's price-points, you can easily experiment with various shades of grey and keep your look fresh and exciting.

Grey contacts lenses offer a versatile canvas for different styles, both natural and unique. With various replacement cycles ranging from daily to annual, you can choose the perfect grey lenses for your needs. If you're a newcomer to colored contacts or a seasoned enthusiast, our dozens of grey shades can provide a major transformation or minor enhancement in seconds. Select a pair of stunning grey contact lenses, and prepare to receive endless compliments on your new, effortlessly glowing look!