Spoilt for choice? Check out our staff’s fave lenses to help you decide which pairs to try next! Desire Lush Green: These lenses add a lush green touch to your eyes that’s both striking and natural DESIRE LUSH GREEN SENIOR DESIGNER'S PICK! ⭐ Sugarlook Brown: Give your eyes a sweet, warm look with tri-toned lenses that blend perfectly with any eye color COMMUNITY MANAGER'S PICK! ⭐ SUGARLOOK BROWN Shade Blue: Transform your eyes into a serene ocean with these cool blue lenses SHADE BLUE PROJECT MANAGER'S PICK! ⭐ Flowers Set: Blooming hues perfect for everyday wear or a special occasion SOFTWARE DEVELOPER'S PICK! ⭐ I CAN BUY MYSELF FLOWERS SET Dark Eyes Set: Our most opaque lenses for a mesmerizing color transformation DARK EYES SET CONTENT MANAGER'S PICK! ⭐ We think you'll also like... ❤️🔥 TRENDING COLOR LENSES ❤️🔥 Sugarlook Blue SHOP Obsession Khaki Green SHOP Desire Mist Grey SHOP Shade Pink SHOP Attitude Glitter Set SHOP Galaxy Pink SHOP Glossy Ivory SHOP Prism Blue SHOP SHOP MORE